Investigating the Causes of Suspension Damage

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Do you think that there’s no way unneeded driving habits can damage your vehicle’s suspension? Then, you’re in the wrong perception. By driving in a way that will destroy your vehicle’s suspension, you can prove that this is the case almost immediately. 

You will eventually get caught up in these routines and recognize that your suspension is damaged. Every driver, of course, doesn’t want to get their car to the garage right when they buy it. The good news is that car suspension damage can be averted if we adhere to proper driving habits. 

Perhaps by being aware of what causes suspension damage, you will be able to help avoid unexpected damage. That’s what we’re trying to do here. Stay with us to learn about some common causes of suspension damage. 

Suspension Damage – The Basics

Suspension Damage

When you’ve driven before, you know that potholes and rough roads are pretty standard. Any rough terrain on the road ahead can prove a big obstacle to driving because it can make your steering dance back and forth. 

You’re so shaken when your glass-enclosed car gets tossed and bounced around by the hole in the road that it’s hard to drive away. Things you knock over in your car will eventually grow into issues with the alignment of your vehicle and its suspension. 

Potentially damaging bumps can even cause your vehicle to bottom out, which means the bottom of your car might hit the road. Suspension refers to all of the components that link the vehicle to the road, including tires, wheels, axles, and shocks. 

Although cars may vary in their suspension systems, the function is always to provide safety, counteract the rapidity of bumps, and facilitate steering. If your suspension system becomes damaged, then the issues can be dangerous. This can lead to the vehicle malfunctioning in the steering and braking. 

What Causes Suspension Damage – A Detailed Discussion

Many different factors will lead to suspension damages, most of which are not under your control. While you may never be able to entirely prevent any of these issues from occurring, you can do your best to mitigate them at the same time. 

But before you do, you need to be aware of the following factors that can give rise to a failed suspension.


Whether you’re driving in a remote park or the middle of the road, potholes are a denigrating issue. Potholes don’t just spoil an otherwise joyful driving experience; they can have detrimental impacts on your vehicle’s suspension and even your wallet.

Knocking down potholes can have unforeseen consequences, including severely damaging the car’s suspension components. Your tires slide across the roadway the first instant you enter the pothole, at which time your automobile shimmies and its struts and shocks nice and slowly absorb the stun caused by the uncontrollable movement. 

Your suspension is followed closely by a second jolt as time passes when your wheels exit the pothole. This all takes place instantly, and if you hit potholes at high speed, you will have no time to attribute value to the possibility of blowing a tire, damaging a strut, or ruining the suspension. 

So, be patient and take a relaxed approach when you see the pothole in front of you. Don’t quicken your speed until you’ve driven around it completely.

Speed Bumps

No road is the epitome of smooth driving until you get the chance to drive on a freshly paved road. You may find damaged parts of your suspension because of how your tires and shocks react to the bumps, despite how tightly you grip the steering wheel. 

Your vehicle’s suspension is designed to handle the impact of road conditions like the speed bumps you often encounter, but keeping your speed down while driving over them is recommended.

If you drive over a bump too quickly, your car’s tires stretch and compress in an unwanted manner, and your struts and shock absorbers will endure the most from the spike in speed. Speed bumps are a considerable threat because their design dictates that they be driven at a maximum velocity of 5 miles per hour. 

Exceeding Load Capacity

Your automobile’s suspension system is set up with a predetermined load capacity, and you shouldn’t drive heavier than your vehicle could reasonably carry. If you drive your vehicle beyond your limit in hopes that you won’t need to change your route, reconsider your choice. 

Overloading your vehicle to the point where it surpasses the specified weight limit can seriously damage and exhaust the suspension.

Hitting Curbs and Sidewalks

If you are invariably turning corners or parallel parking, it is necessary not to hit the curb. This generates some motion in the wheel, which is then transmitted back to you by the suspension. Do not bounce off of curbs, sidewalks, or parking stalls. 

You should bring your vehicle into a mechanic’s shop as soon as possible if you’ve damaged your wheels either by driving on the curb or by hitting something.  

At the very least, you could have pushed your wheels out of alignment. In the worst-case scenario, you can notice serious damage to your suspension, whether it be snapping a spring or rupturing a line. 


It’s completely blameless that causes car accidents because people often make mistakes, but luckily, accidents are avoidable if you take the necessary precautions while driving. 

We assume that we will prevent ourselves from being injured in an automobile accident, but unfortunately, that’s impossible; even a minor collision can cause your suspension system to be damaged.

The types of accidents and the speed at which the drivers are driving can affect how much time your vehicle will be out of commission. If it is determined that your vehicle needs an alignment after this accident, you should have it inspected.

Driving On Incompatible Road Conditions

Driving your vehicle on off-road terrain can be exceptionally fun, but how is your vehicle well-equipped to handle this? If you participate in a sport whose main focus is off-roading, you’ll observe that many cars have a custom-made suspension designed to deal with the physical elements of off-road overshoot.

Do not put your vehicle on driving terrain that it will not be able to endure, and be particularly careful when driving on bumpy roads and pavements.

Braking Frequently

When it is safe to do so, don’t be a knucklehead and slam on your brakes. This halts your vehicle’s movement or engages the anti-lock brake system, which isn’t required. 

If you tend to over-stress your brakes by parking in the middle or bumper of the forward vehicle, reconsider your driving habits.  This not only poses a threat to you and irritates the driver passing by; it’s also dangerous for your vehicle’s suspension.

Lack of Maintenance

Since scheduled maintenance protects the suspension, be sure to keep up with those procedures. The more often you perform such maintenance, the less likely your vehicle is to have costly suspension problems.

To ensure optimum performance, you need to give your vehicle a regular maintenance schedule. That way, you do not need to worry as much about expensive repairs and replacement bills.


What causes low suspension?

Low suspension can be caused by worn-out or damaged springs, shocks, or struts, resulting in sagging. It can also be due to improper installation, excessive vehicle load, or intentional lowering for aesthetic or performance reasons. Regular inspections can help identify these issues.

What causes the suspension to collapse?

A suspension collapse can result from catastrophic failure of critical components like springs, shock absorbers, or suspension mounts. This can be due to extreme wear and tear, manufacturing defects, impact damage from accidents, or excessive loading beyond the vehicle’s rated capacity. 

What causes suspension wear?

Suspension wear is typically caused by regular use over time, with factors like driving on rough or uneven roads, carrying heavy loads, and exposure to harsh weather contributing to the wear. Accidents and lack of maintenance can also accelerate suspension deterioration.

What causes a broken suspension?

A broken suspension can result from severe impacts like hitting potholes or curbs, accidents, overloading, corrosion, and prolonged wear and tear of components like springs, shocks, or control arms. Neglecting maintenance and driving in harsh conditions can also lead to suspension failure.

Final Words

The number of things that cause suspension damage ends here. Stay vigilant and pay particular attention to fixed objects like bridges and railroad crossings and prevent driving at night-time if possible. This will keep automobile suspension problems from occurring and cut down on costs related to repair.

Just be sure to inspect the suspension system when you add a car to your purchase list. If it bothers you that it’s out of tune, you can request the seller draw attention to the condition or replace it with one that’s in better shape.

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